Is Outdoor Yoga for You?


Spending time in nature is a gift. I feel as if I can breathe more deeply, feel more fully, and see more clearly when I’m outdoors. The sensation of a gentle breeze ruffling my hair or the sound of birds in the trees brings me peace. Another thing that gives me peace and fills my soul is, of course, my yoga practice. So it makes perfect sense to combine these two loves into one and take my yoga practice outdoors. 

Have you ever tried an outdoor yoga class? Whether you’ve never tried it or tried it once and weren’t convinced it was for you, I’m asking you to open your mind to practicing yoga outdoors. 

Of course, as with all things, it helps to know what to expect. Read on for some tips and strategies to make the most of your outdoor yoga practice as well as some feedback from Razz Yoga members who are loving their time practicing in nature. 

Why should you try outdoor yoga?   

Practice outdoors and give yourself the gift of spending time in nature. You’ll find so many new things to focus on as you practice from the clouds in the sky to the rustling leaves in the trees. Nature's numerous sights and sounds give you many options for finding your drishti point.

When your energy is low, spending time in nature is incredibly restorative. Combine that with nature’s ability to boost the benefits of meditation and you’ll take your practice to a whole new level.

When I asked some of our members what they love about outdoor yoga, I was overwhelmed by their positive, enthusiastic responses. Here are just a few: 

“I like stretching and balancing outdoors. The sights and sounds change the experience for the better!”

“Practicing in a peaceful environment with a community of fellow yogis.” 

“Being able to be in person and connect with one another safely.” 

“It’s so nice to be outside in the elements since we spend so much time inside! And all the teachers are amazing - every class has been challenging and different.”

What do you need to know before your first outdoor yoga class?  

We talked about all the wonderful things that come with practicing yoga outdoors. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention some of the challenges of an outdoor practice and what you can do to overcome or minimize them. 

Yes, there will be bugs. And yes, the weather is unpredictable. Even when I look at the forecast in the morning, the afternoon can bring an unpleasant surprise or two. Nonetheless, I believe the benefits of an outdoor practice outweigh any challenges or minor inconveniences. 

I have a few Heather’s Hacks to help you have the most fulfilling experience possible when you give outdoor yoga a try. You’ll want to make sure you bring: 

  • Water

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug spray - we offer safe and natural TerraShield available here.**

  • A blanket or towel - place your yoga mat on top if needed for grip

Those are my hacks, but our members wanted to share some of theirs with you, too. 

  • Watch out for sunburn

  • Use a light colored mat

  • Come with an open mind

  • Take care of your body and modify as needed

  • Use an extra large towel under or instead of your mat

What’s the secret to getting the most out of outdoor yoga? 

The secret to making an outdoor yoga practice work for you is to simply be open to it. Be open to what the experience will be. Don’t expect the same practice as you find indoors on a flat surface. Accept and expect you may not be able to balance and practice alignment the same way you can indoors. 

It’s a different experience, but well worth it. 

When I asked our members what they would tell someone who was unsure about giving outdoor yoga a try, their responses were similar - and simple. 

“Go for it! It’s awesome.” 

“Although it’s not the same as practicing in a studio, the experience is just as if not more amazing?”

“Just come and see!”

“TRY IT! There’s nothing like being outside and practicing yoga.” 

Ready to give outdoor yoga a try? Check our schedule of outdoor classes and find one that works for you. We can’t wait to see you! 

If you’re not yet a member of Razz Yoga, we’d love to welcome you to practice with us from your home or outdoors. Click here to sign up for a free trial week and experience what makes Razz Yoga special. 

Yoga, whether indoors or out, is an essential part of your overall health and wellness journey. Remember, when you feel your best, there is no limit to what you can do!

Follow the progress on Sweet Air Corner. 

We can’t wait to introduce you to our new “community within the community,” Sweet Air Corner. It’s going to be the perfect place to meet your friends - or make new ones. We’re dedicated to making it a place that supports and encourages you as you pursue your optimal health. 

At Sweet Air Corner, we’ll invite you to explore all we have to offer. Relax on our porch with delicious, nutrient-rich treats from our juice bar. Find balance on the mat at Razz Yoga - both inside and outdoors on our lawn. Experience a variety of healing modalities including massage, Reiki, and acupuncture in our wellness center.

Follow the construction progress at or at 3418 Sweet Air Rd. when you’re out and about in Phoenix, MD. We can’t wait to welcome you soon!   

** If you click on the link and purchase doTERRA products, I will receive a commission. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will benefit you.