What are the Five Pillars of Health and Wellness?


When you feel great physically and mentally, there is simply no limit to what you can do. You are able to live optimally. I want you to sit with that statement for a minute. What does “no limit” mean to you? What would it look like if you were able to live your optimal life? Does your current state of health and wellness allow you to live your optimal life? 

I’ve been on my own wellness journey for several years. This journey helped me discover so many things about myself and my own health. It led me to embracing  the five pillars of a holistic lifestyle. I’ve learned lessons that apply to anyone who wants to improve their health and wellness. 

The five pillars are simple. Notice I said simple, not easy. Each of the pillars is essential to our health and wellness. None of them is complicated or requires special equipment. 

Read on to learn about the five pillars and how you can incorporate them into your daily routine. 

1 - What you eat 

Food is fuel for our bodies. That is its purpose. Food is also emotional. It is the centerpiece of so many celebrations from Sunday dinners to wedding feasts to endless snacks at a Super Bowl party. Food can be a cause of stress for many people. 

When taking a holistic approach to health and wellness, we look at how food works in our bodies physically, emotionally, and mentally. Choose foods based on their health benefits. When you consider whether or not a particular food is serving your mind, body, and soul it is easier to make healthier choices. 

In order to fuel your body in a way that allows it to work at its best, you must include TONS of fruits and vegetables. For me, plant-based eating has made a tremendous difference in how I feel. You may not be ready to transition to a fully plant-based diet, but focusing on incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet each day is a great step in a healthier direction. Flavor-packed, healthy smoothies, soups, and buddha bowls are some of my favorite ways to give my body what it needs. 

Learn more about choosing foods that support a holistic lifestyle - and so much more - by participating in our 28-day Holistic Immersion

2 - How you hydrate

Water has the power to heal us, body and soul. It benefits our bodies in so many ways. 

  • Water boosts our energy. 

  • Water helps with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. 

  • Water aids in digestion. 

  • Water moves toxins through our systems faster. 

  • Water hydrates our skin, fighting aging and wrinkles naturally. 

Do you drink enough water? Most people think they do. I used to think I did. Yet, when I actually measured and tracked my water consumption, I found I wasn’t drinking nearly as much as I thought. Most people aren’t. That is why so many of us go through our days not adequately hydrated. 

To help you get the water you need, I wanted to share a tool I use. My by-the-hour water bottle keeps me hydrated and on track to meet my daily water intake goals. I fill mine up each morning and then pour from it into a smaller glass or water bottle throughout the day. Sometimes, to keep things fun and flavorful, I add fruit (grapefruit is my favorite) or a few drops of essential oils to my water.  

3 - When and how you rest

True, restorative rest is vital for good health. You know this. We all know this. Yet, how many times have you come to the end of a day that was filled with things to do and places to go and realize that you never took time to simply rest?

Rest is essential. Your mind, body, and soul need rest. I encourage you and even challenge you to carve out some time each day for rest. I don’t mean simply “doing nothing” for a handful of minutes. I’m talking about restorative rest. 

Look to your yoga practice and choose a favorite restorative pose. I find Legs Up the Wall to be a wonderful choice. It allows your mind and your body to relax, relieving stress and tension. Balasana or child’s pose as well as Shavasana are other restorative poses to try. 

Take time each day to rest. You deserve it and your health and wellness depend on it. 

4 - How you care for yourself with meditation and breathing

Do you take time each day to meditate and breathe? Are you spending time alone with your thoughts, setting intentions? 

This fourth pillar of wellness focuses on taking time to simply be with your thoughts. This is so important. Our lives are filled with noise and constant busyness. Simply being quiet, breathing, and spending time with yourself is restorative. 

Try starting your day with meditation. I suggest having a special notebook for this time. Simply sit quietly for a few minutes. Breathe deeply and listen to your body and your mind. How are you feeling? During this time set your intention for the day or respond to a journal prompt. 

Have you tried one of our Razz Yoga meditation classes? Our online studio offers meditation classes along with a variety of yoga classes.  

5 - When and how you move and exercise

Health and wellness cannot be achieved without movement and exercise. Regular, intentional exercise feeds your body, mind, and spirit. 

Think about the last time you thought, “I’m too busy to exercise,” but you did it anyway. How did you feel after your workout? I always feel like I have more energy to tackle the rest of the day’s obligations. I also always feel grateful that I made the choice to exercise. 

I understand it’s easy to get “too busy” to fit in a class or a workout. However, I also know it’s easy to find time to give your body what it needs, if you’re willing to get creative. Try taking a walk, playing outside with your kids, or working in your garden. 

Choosing yoga allows you to give your body and mind what they need. Grow in strength and flexibility while calming your mind and letting go of tension and stress. Our online studio allows you to take a yoga class any time that is the right time for you. We have LiveStream classes scheduled each day of the week. If none of those times fits your schedule, we also have a large library of on demand classes any time that is the right time for you.  

Try scheduling your exercise into each day. I like to sit down on Sundays and plan out my week. Just like I include appointments, meetings, and other obligations, I schedule in my time for movement and exercise. 

Fit the 5 pillars of wellness into your day - every day

I encourage you to take an active role in your health and wellness journey. Plan your days to allow time to incorporate each of the five pillars of wellness. Embark on your own holistic lifestyle journey and live your life without limits. 

What will your life look like when you focus on what you eat and how you hydrate? How will you feel when you make time for rest, meditation and breathing, and movement and exercise? I’m so excited for you to include these five pillars into each day.  

Psst… there’s one more pillar of wellness

I told you there were five pillars of wellness and technically that’s true. However, I can’t leave out what we consider to be the sixth, and possibly most important, pillar - community! The power of this sixth pillar makes the other five easier to achieve. 

There’s simply no substitute for a community of like-minded people working toward the same goals. Find community inside Razz Yoga. We are here to support your health and wellness goals, to cheer you on, encourage and educate you. 

If you are not a member, sign for a free 7-day trial membership today. We’d love to welcome you to Razz so you can experience our sixth pillar for yourself.

Heather Rasmussen