Why an online yoga studio community is right for you.


Experiencing a worldwide pandemic had a profound effect on all of us, both individually and within our various communities. There were immense challenges, hardships, and loss. There were also beautiful discoveries. When we were forced to slow down and be still, we realized what we truly hold dear. 

I was inspired by the bravery and kindness shown by so many as we navigated our way through the unknown together. Together was a big theme of the past year-and-a-half. We wanted to be together and that meant getting creative. 

One of the positive things to come out of this crisis was the new ways people found to get and stay connected. We all realized that being “together” didn’t have to mean being in the same place physically. 

Our community has always been what makes Razz Yoga special. We intentionally brought that community from the physical studio into our online studio. The same encouragement, love, and support are here for you. We’re here to learn with you and learn from you - to inspire and be inspired. To share our passion for health and wellness and watch you grow in your own health and wellness journey. 

Making an online yoga community work for you takes a bit of planning and commitment to making the time for yourself. But the rewards are priceless. 

Create a space in your home for your practice.   

You give to others every day. You deserve the time and space to dedicate to your practice. Let’s make space in your home for yoga. 

  • You need a quiet space. Now, you may have a spouse who is working from home or kids in and out throughout the day. You might think there is simply no place - not even a corner - where quiet happens. And all of that may be true. But… 

  • Let’s use our imaginations.  There have been times when I have practiced in my walk-in closet. There have been times I’ve practiced in my bathroom. And I have a friend who practiced in her laundry room - she knew that was one place no one would bother her! 

  • Your home yoga space doesn’t have to be fancy. You just need enough room for you, your phone or tablet to access Razz Online Classes, and a few props. Grab a mat, a yoga block if you have it or a rolled towel if you don’t, and some water. That’s it - now you’re ready to practice with us. 

Once you get your space set up and are into your routine, take time to make your space special. Bring in essential oils or a candle. Experiment with the lighting. This is your space and your time - make it a reflection of how you feel about your practice. 

Remember why you come to the mat.  

We all have our reasons for coming to the mat. It may be the place you go to find peace in an otherwise busy day. It may be the place where you connect with your body and give it what it needs, whether that is gentle stretching or something a bit more challenging. Your mat is where you come to reflect, relax, rejuvenate, or revive. Your mat is where you can lose yourself or find yourself. 

My practice is where I find strength, peace, and energy. Spending time on my mat feeds me - body, mind, and spirit. 

Roll out your mat and join us for an online class to: 

  • Build muscle and strength. 

  • Reduce stress. 

  • Improve sleep.  

Explore all our online community has to offer. 

Razz Yoga’s online studio is dedicated to being part of your health and wellness journey. We offer a wide variety of classes to meet your needs. Classes to help you relax and reduce the stress in your life. Classes to strengthen and challenge you. Classes to help you heal body, mind, and spirit. 

Join us for a live class. Make sure to come a few minutes early to catch up with your yoga friends. It’s during this time that we talk about new favorite recipes, share book recommendations, or just talk about what’s going on in our lives. 

Explore our comprehensive video on demand library. These classes are available to you whenever and wherever works best for you. This is the perfect way to try a new class or give your body what it needs when it needs it. 

Our classes include: 

  • Alignment yoga

  • Gentle yoga

  • Mixed level yoga

  • Yoga nidra

  • Vinyasa 

  • Hatha yoga

  • Yin yoga

  • Kids yoga

  • Energy work & meditation

  • Meditation & sound

  • Prenatal yoga

If you haven’t tried our online classes yet, we offer a free week trial.  Join us today and discover what makes our online community special. 

Communities are built by people. 

Our members make Razz Yoga special. We love sharing our passion for health and wellness, our knowledgeable, caring teachers, and our love for what we do. Join us and discover what makes our online yoga community the place to find the knowledge, support, and encouragement you need as you work toward your optimal health. 

We can’t wait to introduce you to our new “community within the community,” Sweet Air Corner. It’s going to be the perfect place to meet your friends - or make new ones. We’re dedicated to making it a place that supports and encourages you as you pursue your optimal health. 

Follow the construction progress at sweetaircorner.com or at 3418 Sweet Air Rd. when you’re out and about in Phoenix, MD. We can’t wait to welcome you soon!   

Heather Rasmussen