My journey to a holistic lifestyle


I talk often about taking time for yourself and your health. I speak and write about how important it is to make space in your life for self-care. Why do I spend so much time talking about it? It’s because I believe so deeply in these truths. 

There was a time in my life when I did not take care of myself or make my health and wellness anything close to a priority. And I paid the price for it. 

I know many of you relate to that feeling of not having time for yourself. Regardless of your stage of life, we all face competing priorities. There is always something or someone to take care of or a never-ending list of things that need to be done. 

Some seasons of life are more challenging than others.  

Being part of the human race means facing ups and downs, triumphs and defeats. There are times in our lives when things simply get hard. Those times test us and can take a toll on our health. That was certainly true for me. 

Over the course of a couple of years, I dealt with the health crises of three of the people I love most. My dad had quintuple bypass surgery and a year later, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, they both weathered their illnesses and we continue to cherish our time together. 

During the time of my parents’ challenges, I was faced with another crisis. One of my daughters became very, very sick. She spent a lot of time in the hospital, meeting with specialists, and missing school. As any mother would, I gave her all the love and care I had. 

Taking care of and worrying about everyone else took a toll on my health. At not even 40 years old, I had developed high blood pressure and had to go on medication to control it. I sought out the help of a gastroenterologist for severe heartburn and IBS. As if all that wasn’t enough, I came down with a case of shingles which resulted in a full year of nerve pain. 

I was a mess. 

Something needed to change. 

I was taking a lot of medication and the side effects made me feel worse than what they were supposed to be treating. I barely had any energy, and what I did have I was giving to my family. 

I knew I didn’t want to continue taking so much medication, so I made my first foray into the world of holistic medicine and tried acupuncture. It helped somewhat and opened my eyes to the possibility of more. 

Realize, I am a realist. I am also someone who trusts science. I need objective proof before I’m going to be a believer. 

On Mother’s Day of that challenging year, my sister told me she was going to take me to a yoga class and out to brunch - just the two of us. Time away from all the stress and worry sounded heavenly and brunch would surely be delicious.

It was the yoga class I wasn’t sure about. 

When we arrived, my feelings of uncertainty grew. I didn’t like the idea of not knowing what to expect. Once in the class, however, I relaxed. I instantly felt a connection with the instructor and loved the class. It was so good! (That instructor and I are still in touch.) I felt welcomed and basked in the sense of community. 

That day, I had a realization. 

I had a wonderful family and a great career. Despite all the stress, I was succeeding at family life and work life. 

What I wasn’t succeeding at was taking care of myself. 

I felt called to do more for myself and my community. 

I started attending regular Saturday morning classes with my sister and I grew in my practice. The problem was the studio was a 40-minute drive from my house. Taking a Saturday class meant giving up a large portion of my day. There was still cleaning and laundry and taking care of all the things that needed to be done. 

My sister and I kept saying to each other, “Our town needs a yoga studio.” 

Then one day, when my daughters were in dance class, a sign went up in the window of a storefront in the same shopping center. It read, “For Lease.” 

Lightbulb moment! 

I went home and told my husband I wanted to open a yoga studio in town. He was sure I had lost my mind! I was excelling in my speech language pathology and special education career at Towson University and we had settled into a routine of care and schooling that worked for my daughter. Why take a risk on something? 

It was simple. I felt called. 

I wanted to give back to the community I love and be a role model to my children. Not just a role model for my daughters, but for my older sons as well. I wanted them to know that women don’t have to just follow the expected path. 

Taking risks is scary, sure, but when it’s for the right reasons, taking risks can also be incredibly rewarding. 

My business and I continue to evolve. 

I opened Razz Yoga and fell in love. The teachers I brought in were incredible. They inspired me as they inspired and encouraged our students. I was thrilled to be able to bring something to my community that I knew would help so many. 

I am still a realist. That’s how I run Razz Yoga. I understand people have obligations and responsibilities. I want to make sure a yoga practice is accessible to anyone who would benefit from it - in other words, everyone. 

The Razz Yoga community welcomes new members and is dedicated to helping all our members along their health and wellness journeys. We encourage all to take their wellness journeys beyond the mat through our education on a holistic lifestyle. Learn more about the 5 pillars of health & wellness

My calling to serve my community continues to evolve. I want to bring you what you need to pursue optimal health and wellness. That means providing ways to support you in those five pillars of wellness. 

  1. What you eat. 

  2. How you hydrate.

  3. When and how you rest. 

  4. How you care for yourself with meditation and breathing. 

  5. When and how you move and exercise. 

Are you ready to learn more and get started on your own journey to a holistic lifestyle? Our 28 Day Holistic Immersion goes beyond a focus on diet. The goal is to help you feel great, allowing you to live optimally. The community you’ll find within the Immersion is fantastic. The members inspire and encourage each other as they discover the incredible benefits of holistic wellness. Join us

When you feel your best, there is no limit to what you can do!

Join me at Sweet Air Corner and get fed, body & soul. 

We believe there is a sixth pillar of wellness that is just as important - community. The power of community makes the rest of the pillars easier to achieve. Community is what makes Razz Yoga so special.  

I’m so excited to introduce you to our new “community within the community,” Sweet Air Corner. It’s where you can meet your friends - or make new ones. Relax on our porch with delicious, nutrient-rich treats from our juice bar. Find balance on the mat at Razz Yoga - both inside and outdoors on our lawn. Explore a variety of healing modalities including massage, Reiki, and acupuncture in our wellness center.

We can’t wait to welcome you to Sweet Air Corner. Follow the construction progress at or at 3418 Sweet Air Rd. when you’re out and about in Phoenix, MD. We can’t wait to welcome you soon!   

If you are not a member of Razz Yoga, sign for a free 7-day trial membership today. We’d love to welcome you to Razz so you can experience our sixth pillar for yourself.

Heather Rasmussen